Sunday, March 30, 2008

March 31

I find the anger I feel towards my friend and brother all consuming. In fact it swallows me, I am so angry I want to laugh, cry, and scream. I feel so betrayed, and that hurts. I am loyal to a fault to my friends, and most of them return said loyalty, so why can she? She had said in one of her blog entries that you don't date your friends brothers, but yet look what she's doing! I can't believe she would be so selfish, and I'm so hurt that my brother would do this to me.
Am I being obsessive? Am I jealous? I certainly don't think so. Some people might think I'm being both, but I think I'm being a perfectly reasonable female. I'm not the only one out there who thinks that friends dating siblings is ooky! And I won't be the last person to think it either.

It's just so awkward, and I can't talk to either of them without wondering what they've been up too. Which, needless to say, really sucks like you have no idea. And I'm so sad, because I don't want to loose either of them or the relationships I have with them. But I can't seem to get over the fact that they're together.

All she wants is to "fall in love" it doesn't matter who with as long as he's male, and he just likes girls in general, he's such a bloody man slut. I don't want either of them hurt, and this is such an awkward position, I'm so resentful.

On a side note, my cat, who had been sick recently, seems to be getting better, but I have to keep him locked up in my room quite a bit now, because my roommate and I are leaving and this creepy new guy is moving in while we're still here. It's so scary, I don't want a creepy, odd guy in our house. So my cat and I will have to coexist in a small room for a whole month, poor kitty.

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